
the operating system for every business

Linux VM i bare-metal

Linux’s market share in the public cloud is estimated to be over 90%. Its presence is also significant in traditional data centers and among developers. The relatively low cost of deployment and maintenance, versatility, high functionality, and open-source nature are undeniable advantages. However, maintaining multiple virtual machines or physical servers along with their software poses a significant challenge even for large institutions, let alone companies without dedicated IT departments.

How We Can Help

  • We will deploy, configure, and maintain your servers in public and private clouds.
  • We will ensure continuous operation by applying security patches and system updates.
  • We will design and configure the network.
  • We will implement automation.
  • We will monitor the performance of services.


  • Distibutions: Ubuntu, Debian
  • Deployment models: virtual machines, bare-metal, cloud providers
  • Scope: configuration, automation, integration, maintenance

Cloud, containers, Linux…

…and beyond. We are flexible and eager to understand your needs.
Which system architecture to choose? Do we have to rely on major cloud providers?
Could my systems be more secure? When will we collide with the Andromeda Galaxy?
If something isn’t in our offer, it doesn’t mean we can’t do it!

We're waiting for new challenges.